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Performance | Al Neil
Vancouver Art in the Sixties


In the 1960s Neil’s work moved from improvisational jazz into sound works, soundscapes and storytelling. With the advent of Intermedia, Neil began to perform with Marguerite Neil and Gregg Simpson as well as solo, in and out of costume and with toys and props, never far from the piano but no longer focused solely on it. These works employed costume, projections, recitations, sound effects and showmanship. From 1980 –’85, working with Howard Broomfield and guest musicians, he produced an annual performance at the Western Front.

Often, Neil’s performance works were not adequately documented and much work is still left to do to resurrect all the material that does exist. In addition to these photos by Carole Itter and video collages by Krista Lomax, other material is available on Michael de Courcy’s Intermedia sites.

What is a Piano

Detail of Al Neil's piano from 'What is a Piano' a performance at the Western Front, photo Carole Itter Detail of Al Neil's piano from 'What is a Piano' a performance at the Western Front, photo Carole Itter Detail of Al Neil's piano from 'What is a Piano' a performance at the Western Front, photo Carole Itter Detail of Al Neil's piano from 'What is a Piano' a performance at the Western Front, photo Carole Itter Detail of Al Neil's piano from 'What is a Piano' a performance at the Western Front, photo Carole Itter
Detail of Al Neil's piano from 'What is a Piano' a performance at the Western Front, photo Carole Itter


Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter
Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter
Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter
Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Euclid, 1979, photo Carole Itter

Buffalo Man

Al Neil, Buffalo Man, circa. 1972, photographer Unknown Al Neil in Buffalo Man Costume, 1972, photo Christo Dikeakos Al Neil, Buffalo Man, circa. 1970, photo Michael de Courcy Al Neil in Buffalo Man Costume, Cates Park, North Vancouver, 1972, photo Christo Dikeakos


Al Neil on front Deck, Dollarton, BC, 1973, photo Nina Raginsky Al Neil reading, circa. 1973, photographer Unknown Al Neil performing 'Krapps Last Tape,' Coburg Gallery, Vancouver, photo Carole Itter Al Neil on Remembrance Day, 1991, photo Carole Itter 'Euclid's 13th Theorem', Robson Square Theatre, Vancouver 1979, photo Taki Bluesinger

Video - "Euclid"

This video by VJ Krista Lomax from Al Neil’s project Euclid joins Neil’s music and Carole Itter’s photographs for the performance, in which she collages the photos under water. During the Al Neil Project (2005), Lomax worked with Itter to produce video collages from Neil’s music and work that were used in the events surrounding the project. We have included some of this video on the site. (4 min. 11 sec.)

Watching the video on this site requires the free Flash Player.

Video - "Piano Collage"

In this video VJ Krista Lomax combines images of a piano with elements from Neil’s collages and music by the Al Neil Trio. The piece features a solo by Gregg Simpson and a strong video mix. (4 min. 14 sec.)

Watching the video on this site requires the free Flash Player.
