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Collage | Al Neil
Vancouver Art in the Sixties

The Collage Work of Al Neil

During the 80s and 90s, Neil produced several series of collages that were autobiographical and explored his artistic influences. Using collage and photography, these works are sometimes meditative, often dynamic, and reveal the influence of Robert Motherwell’s work in collage. Al has written about Motherwell’s post-war publication, The Dada Painters and Poets, which was a significant influence. Antonin Artaud, Alfred Jarry and Rene Dumal figure highly in these collages, as they do in Neil’s music.

Rene Daumal Series

Al Neil, Rene Daumal Portrait #5, 1992, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Rene Daumal Portrait Series, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Rene Daumal Portrait #7, 1992, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Rene Daumal Portrait #9, 1992, photo Carole Itter

Celtic Series

Al Neil, Origins - Celtic Series #16, 1989, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Origins - Celtic Series #20, 1989, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Origins - Celtic Series #19, 1989, photo Carole Itter

Auto Bio / Evidence Series

Al Neil, Auto Bio #3, 1994, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, 'Untitled' from 'Evidence' series, 1997, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, 'Untitled' from 'Evidence' series, 1989, photo Carole Itter

Correspondence Series

Al Neil, Correspondence #2, 1989, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Correspondence Series, photo Carole Itter

Artaud Series

Al Neil, from 'Artaud Series', 1991, photo Carole Itter Al Neil, Artaud #2, 1991, photo Carole Itter
